Hairy Chest for men of Starfield (4k)
Just a quick mod. Hairy Chest for the hunks of Starfield with new nipps and navel, slightly enhanced details.
At the moment, this is only working for the male Skintone no:4. When I have more time I will finish up the rest.
Installation :
1) make sure you installed this mod which enable your starfield to read loose files first.
1) unzip / extract the files into your Starfield directory .
Q: BUG !
A: K , report it at post tab.
Q: Strange V shape around the neck area ?!
A: My mod didn’t cause that , it was already there before my mod exist . When I will have more time I will look into its UV grid and meshes . For now you have to live with it.
Q : Make some for the ladies ?
A : no.
Credit :
Hexitall for the quick custom.ini
hexabit for BAE2 updates