Better Crowd Citizens

Starfield Mods |

Better Crowd Citizens

So appareantly Bethesda tried really hard to optimize this game, while maintaining the “big settlement city with so many people walking around” vibe. All the citizen NPCs we saw in game are not same as us human. They are permformance-friendly humanoids, with independent Non-Playable low-res outfits and lifeless faces. Thanks to these huge efforts you put in Bethesda, but hey, sorry I need to revert them back! This mod simply changed that and used REAL human NPCs to prensent you a less eye-soring world. All the replaced faces are from a random faces preset list that Bethesda made for random encountered REAL human NPCs. The low-res outfits are untouch (huge work if going to replace all the outfits).

I can’t say for sure. But I’m runing on i5 10600KF RTX 3070, no noticeable frame rate drop.

Manual Installation:
1. Download the mod.
2. Extract the archive using 7zip or Winrar.
3. Copy and paste the files in “Data” folder. (…\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data)

To add the mod to the Plugins.txt file, you will need to install the Plugins.txt Enabler mod (follow the instructions on the mod page).

Once you have these prerequisites, open the “plugins.txt” file (located at C:\Users\AppData\Local\Starfield\Plugins.txt) and add the following line to the end of the list (Don’t forget the asterisk!):

*Better Crowd Citizens.esm

For this mod to work, you need to travel to other places and then come back, just for once.

Current Issues:
Some outfits are having tiny issue that NPC’s skin clip through the clothes. I am not cabable of solving this until Starfield’s BodySlide comes out (will it ever?).
Compatibility: It’s already known that this mod will disable Conner’s Ordinary Conversations – Seek Out Stores. It’s a compatibility issue, and the solution is not easy and quick, loadorder won’t fix it either. I’m considering to rework this mod to make it more compatible. But the rework will probably take twice of the time to make current version. So just make a decision between 2 mods for now and wait. I will try to work this out asap.

Author: BB84
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