Dream Home Integrated
Removes Dream Home as a trait and integrates it into every playthrough, while keeping the process from growing repetitive by randomizing a number of features each NG+, including exterior outpost building. With optional versions for a less modified experience.
A wide range of improvements and changes to the Dream, with several versions to choose from.
The details below are for the full version. The conditions for starting the quest remain the same, it will begin after visiting the lodge for the first time.
– Integrated Trait – Grants the player the Dream Home trait by default and removes it from the trait menu.
– Exterior Decorating – disabled until the home has been paid for in full.
– Outpost Behavior – Once enabled, acts as a full outpost, build robots and defense, nearby resources harvested, or decor built.
– Bigger Radius – The radius of the Dream Home outpost is 2x vanilla outpost radius.
– Less Annoyances – Nesoi’s water record has been edited to remove the microbial afflictions caused by water near the home.
– More Less Annoyances – Hazards will automatically be cleared from the surrounding area.
– Shipbuilder Support – The landing pad (80m)has replaced the landing zone, with a shipbuilder terminal becoming available after purchasing the property.
– More Decorating – The roof and patio area can be decorated.
– More More Decorating – The landing pad can also be built on, build responsibly or risk clipping with the ship.
– NG+ Variation -Functions have been randomized in order to make the dream home experience vary from universe to universe.
NG+ Variations
– Ownership Status – The quests stage will be randomized, you may have already purchased the home, spoken to the bank, or in rare instances, had the home foreclosed on.
– Interest Rate – The interest payments can be higher or lower based on the universe you end up in.
– Mortgage Rate – Like interest, the total price for the home can be higher or lower.
– Required Payments – Unlike the vanilla universe where payments are required only when accessing the home, you may be required to make payments on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Payments will automatically be deducted from your credits, if you do not have the necessary credits you’ll receive a missed payment notification. In the more severe universes, missing two payments in a row will cause foreclosure on the home.
– Payment Percentage – The percent of interest required to pay may also be randomized, sometimes with payments as low as 10%.
Version Details
– Full – Contains all the functions listed above.
– Vanilla – Contains all of the enhancements, with none of the changes to the quest with each NG+.
– Cheater – Contains all of the enhancements, and automatically completes the quest and pays for the house.
– Stripped – Only feature included is the exterior outpost functions.
Should be compatible with anything that doesn’t have to do with the cells, perk, or quests involving Dream Home.
1. Use mod manager to install normally or manually extract the plugin to your mod directory
2. Add “*DreamHomeInc.esm” without quotes to your plugins.txt
Find a way to allow the player to scrap the default items.
Allow the player to reopen negotiations on foreclosed home.
Allow crew to be assigned.