Enhanced Outfits – Minidresses (Standalone)
This mod reintroduces the concept of minidresses to the Settled System. According to the lore (citation needed), a cost-cutting measure at a clothing factory inadvertently re-created a long-lost fashion invention from the Old Earth. Minidresses have now been rediscovered and are available in the Settled System.
This mod adds eight truncated versions of the Mei Divine Outfit (and its various colour variants). It is for females only (sorry, Zapp Brannigan). Available in white and three vanilla colours (Red, Cream Blue, and Navy Tan). Each colour variant is available in two levels of enhancements/push-up bras:
(1) The default version
(2) The “Enhanced Plus” Version
The default version is equivalent to the Enhanced Version of my Form-Fitting Dresses. The “Enhanced Plus” version is, well, Enhanced Plus. Check out the screenshots of that mod, too, to get a better idea.
The outfits with the vanilla colours use the base game texture files, so any retexture mods of the Mei Devine Outfit will also affect this mod. The white texture is standalone.
The outfits have a +10% persuasion chance bonus effect but can be changed with mods like Any Mod on Clothes – Now Including All Armor. The protection stats are the same as the vanilla equivalents. The weight is only 0.5 (due to the less material used from the cost-cutting measure).
How to get the outfit:
– Craft it at the workbench with a hefty cost of one fibre.
– Or, get the outfit by using the console command. Search the IDs by typing:
help minidress
help zy2
Download the main file via a mod manager (recommended). Alternatively, manually extract the files to your Data folder (in Documents\My Games\Starfield), or if you have Baka Disable My Games Folder, to your game Data folder (../Steam/steamapps/common/Starfield/Data).
Ensure that you have created the StarfieldCustom.ini file in “Documents\My Games\Starfield\” and input the following:
Ensure that your Plugin.txt Enabler is set up correctly, and add the following to your plugin.txt.:
*ZY2 Minidresses.esm