Legendary Modding Tutorial

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Legendary Modding Tutorial

This mod is mainly designed to show how to add Legendary Stats to Weapons, Spacesuits, Helmets, and Boost Packs as well as setting the Quality Level.

My other mod Add Resources is also a Tutorial on finding ID’s and making Batch Files (Bat Files)

This mod is mainly designed to show how to add Legendary Stats to Weapons,
Spacesuits, Helmets, and Boost Packs as well as setting the
Quality Level. It does include 4 bat files that can auto mod each type to Legendary Level with My Favorite Legendary Stats.
moda.txt mods Armor,
modh.txt mods Helmets,
modp.txt mods Boost Packs and
modw.txt mods Weapons.
Just extract those 4 files to the Root of your Starfield Game Folder (Where
Starfield.exe is) and in game Drop the item to mod on the Ground (Not in
your ship as it is almost impossible to correctly select it in Command
mode) open Command Prompt and Click on the Item so it shows it’s ID (Ex
ARMO XXXXXXXX) then type “bat moda” with no quotes and hit enter and
when you close the prompt and pick up the item it will have 3 effects
and be legendary.
moda.txt, modh.txt, and mod p.txt can be used interchangeably with any Armor, Helmet or Boostpack but modw.txt can
only be used with Weapons.

moda.txt adds
amod 000be542 ; mechanized +40 carry capacity
amod 001336c1 ; chameleon makes you invisible in sneak while not moving
amod 00060295 ; weapon holsters weapons weigh 50% less

modh.txt adds
amod 000be542 ;mechanized +40 carry capacity
amod 000690ae ;o2 filter -25% oxygen consumption
amod 000710fd ;acrobat reduces fall dmg by 50%

modp.txt adds
amod 000be542 ; mechanized +40 carry capacity
amod 000690b0 ; o2 boosted +20% oxygen
amod 000710fd ;acrobat reduces fall dmg by 50%

modw.txt adds
amod 000ff442 ;Legendary 1 – Anti-Personnel
amod 00122f1c ;Legendary 2 – Hitman
amod 000fa8d6 ;Legendary 3 – Explosive

To set the Quality Level of any Item Drop the item to mod on the Ground
(Not in your ship as it is almost impossible to correctly select it in
Command mode) open Command Prompt and Click on the Item so it shows it’s
ID (Ex ARMO XXXXXXXX) then type “amod 3AF7D” no quotes for highest
quality level

Quality Codes
11E2BB mod_Armor_Spacesuit_Quality_01
11E2BC mod_Armor_Spacesuit_Quality_02
11E2BA mod_Armor_Spacesuit_Quality_03
11E2B9 mod_Armor_Spacesuit_Quality_04
3AF7D mod_Armor_Spacesuit_Quality_05

Thanks kbubba
06 September 2023, 10:48PM
Also for anyone who wants to know the Weapon Quality Codes:

Calibrated (Level 2) – 0028F442
Refined (Level 3) – 0028F443
Advanced (Level 4) – 0028F444
????? (Level 5) – 0028F445 – Increases stats, but not item name

Here are all the Legendary codes I have found so far

These will all work with Armor, Helmets, and Boost Packs
Mod Rare sets the Rare Mods
Mod Epic sets the Epic Mods
Mod Legendary sets the Legendary Mods

Mod Rare

ID Name Modifier Description
002c43db Sensor chip +20% acc while moving
000be540 Sentinel 75% chance to take 50% less damage while not moving
002c43dc Headhunter +25% damage on next attack after a headshot
002ede59 Armor Plated -10% damage from physical,energy and em
000be542 Mechanized +40 carry capacity
002EDE4F Assisted Carry reduces O2 consumption while encumbered by 75%
00002983 Incendiary 2 10% chance to ignite nearby attackers
00059ae8 Mirrored 4% chance to reflect attacks
0006029d Repulsing 5% chance to disarm nearby attackers

Mod Epic

ID Name Modifier Description
000690b0 O2 boosted +20% oxygen
001336be Combat Veteran -15% damage from humans
001336bd Beast Hunter -15% damage from aliens
001336c1 Chameleon makes you invisible in sneak while not moving
0013369c Ablative -15% incoming energy damage
00133699 sturdy -15% incoming melee damage
000690ae O2 filter -25% oxygen consumption
001336c6 bolstering grants up to +100 energy and physical resistance, the lower your health
001336bc technician -15% damage from robots
0013369e anti-ballistic -15% incoming damage from ranged weapons

Mod Legendary

ID Name Modifier Description
002ede4e Fastened +20 carry capacity
000c9a43 Auto Medic automatically use a med pack when hit and health is below 25%, 60s cd
000710f7 Galvanized +25 corrosive resistance
0007d728 Incendiary 1 randomly deal fire damage (works with the other incendiary mod too)
000710f6 Liquid Cooled +25 thermal resistance
00060293 Resource Hauler resources weigh 25% less
000690af Analyzer +10% dmg to scanned targets
000710f5 Leadlined +25 radiation resistance
002c43da Hacker +2 max auto attempts that can be banked while hacking
00060295 Weapon Holsters weapons weigh 50% less
000710fd Acrobat reduces fall damage by 50%
000710fa Antiseptic +25 airborne resistance
000e8d64 Staggering small chance to stagger enemies

Weapon Legendary Mods
For Weapons the number of mods added determine the Class Ex 1 mod = Rare, 2 Mods = Epic, 3 Mods = Legendary

ID Name Modifier Description
000FF442 Anti-Personnel +10% Damage against Humans
000FEA07 Bashing Deals double damage when gun bashing
000F437E Berserker Does more damage the less armor one has
000F428E Cornered Damage increases as health decreases
000FC884 Demoralizing Small Chance to Demoralize a Target
001625EB Disassembler +20% Damage against Robots
0031C0C4Elementalgives a chance on a random elemental effect
000FA8D6 Explosive Randomly switches to Explosive Rounds
000FFA3B Extended Magazine Doubles the base magazine
0015DD18 Exterminator +30% Damage against Aliens
000FC8A4 Frenzy Small Chance to Frenzy a Target
000EA117 Furious Each consecutive hit deals more damage
00122F1C Hitman +15% Damage while Aiming
0007D728 Incendiary Randomly switches to Incendiary Rounds
000F2013 Instigating Deals Double Damage to Targets with Full Health
000FEA49 Lacerate Randomly applies a Bleeding effect to the Target
000FFA3C Med Theft Chance that Humans drop extra Med Packs on Death
00319AEC Poison Randomly Deals Poison Damage and Slows the Target
000EA13B Radioactive Randomly switches to Radioactive Rounds
000FEA04 Rapid +25% Increase in Attack Speed
000F4557 Shattering Break Through even the Strongest Armor
0031C0C4Skipshotgives an extra shot every 4th bullet
000F7321 Space-Adept +30% Damage when in Space and -15% Damage when on a Planet
000E8D64 Staggering Small Chance to Stagger Target
000FFA3D Titanium Build Premium Build Materials make this Weapon Light as a Feather

Author: Caladon
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