Ship Builder Categories v1.5.0

Starfield Mods |

Ship Builder Categories v1.5.0

Table Of Contents:
– Ship Builder Categories
– – Table Of Contents
– Overview
– – Summary
– – Compatibility
– – Known Issues
– Installation
– – Requirements
– – Upgrading
– – Mod Manager
– – Archive Invalidation
– License
– Credits and Acknowledgements
– Contact
– List of Categories
– – Added
– – Full List


(Adds categories to the Ship Builder for use by other mods.)

This mod is pretty much what it says on the tin, but does nothing on its own. It adds a number of keywords (with translations!) that are then available for use in other mods. It also adds these keywords to the Ship Builder category list. The goal is to (hopefully) keep mods from stepping on one another in regards to category editing. Because this mod is meant to be a community resource, it will always have donations disabled and remain opted out of DP.

Please note that the localization was done using Google Translate and xTranslator; I apologize if it accidentally insults your mother. That being said, I would like to fix incorrect translations, so please let me know if something’s wrong.

Mod Authors: Do you have a category you want included? Let’s do it! Contact me and we can make it happen.

For the complete list of categories (both vanilla and included in this mod), please see the list of categories at the bottom of this document.

Will conflict with other mods that do their own edits to the Ship Builder categories form ID list (ShipModuleRecipeCategories [FLST:002C2E94]).

Known Issues:

NOTE: This mod must be above any of those that require it in your load order or you will get a CTD.

Plugins.txt Enabler

When upgrading non-major versions (for example v2.something to v2.something-else), you don’t need to do anything except replace the installed mod files.

When upgrading major versions (for example v1.whatever to v2.whatever), you need to do a clean install:
– Open the game and load your latest save
– Save your game, then quit
– Uninstall the previous version of the plugin and all its files
– Open the game and load your last save
– You will see a warning about missing the plugin you just uninstalled, choose to continue
– Save your game again, then quit
– Install the new version of the plugin

Mod Manager:
Download and install the archive with either Mod Organizer 2 (version 2.5.0 or later). I personally recommend Mod Organizer 2 (with the optional Root Builder plugin to use with SFSE or any other mod that requires files be put directly in the game’s installation folder).

Extract the archive to your Starfield installation’s “Data” folder (typically something like “C:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data”). Add the plugin file names to your plugins.txt file if they aren’t already there, making sure the ones you want enabled are preceded with *.

Archive Invalidation:
Make sure your StarfieldCustom.ini file in the “Documents\My Games\Starfield” folder (or your profile folder if using a mod manager and profiles) contains the following:


List of Categories

– “BoostR” (Category_ShipMod_BoostR [KYWD:xx00085E])
– “Class M” (Category_ShipMod_ClassM [KYWD:xx00080D])
– “Cockpits (Supp)” (Category_ShipMod_Cockpit_Supp [KYWD:xx00080C])
– “Decorative Cargo” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Cargo [KYWD:xx000800])
– “Decorative Engines” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Engine [KYWD:xx000801])
– “Decorative Equipment” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Equipment [KYWD:xx000832])
– “Decorative Fuel Tanks” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_FuelTank [KYWD:xx000802])
– “Decorative Grav Drives” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_GravDrive [KYWD:xx000803])
– “Decorative Reactors” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Reactor [KYWD:xx000804])
– “Decorative Shields” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Shield [KYWD:xx000805])
– “Decorative Weapons (Ballistic)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Ballistic [KYWD:xx00080A])
– “Decorative Weapons (EM)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_EM [KYWD:xx000806])
– “Decorative Weapons (Laser)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Laser [KYWD:xx000807])
– “Decorative Weapons (Missile)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Missile [KYWD:xx000808])
– “Decorative Weapons (Particle)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Particle [KYWD:xx000809])
– “Decorative Weapons (Turret)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Turret [KYWD:xx00085A])
– “Decorative Weapons (Utility)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Utility [KYWD:xx000830])
– “DerreTech” (Category_ShipMod_DerreTech [KYWD:xx000831])
– “Engines (Economy)” (Category_ShipMod_Engine_Economy [KYWD:xx000854])
– “Engines (Overtuned)” (Category_ShipMod_Engine_Overtuned [KYWD:xx000855])
– “Grav Boosters” (Category_ShipMod_GravDrive_Booster [KYWD:xx00080E])
– “Habz” (Category_ShipMod_Habz [KYWD:xx000850])
– “Habs (Deimos)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Deimos [KYWD:xx000836])
– “Habs (DerreTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_DerreTech [KYWD:xx00084C])
– “Habs (Habz)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Habz [KYWD:xx000851])
– “Habs (HopeTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_HopeTech [KYWD:xx000837])
– “Habs (Nova)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Nova [KYWD:xx000838])
– “Habs (Shells)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Shell [KYWD:xx00085C])
– “Habs (Stroud-Eklund)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Stroud [KYWD:xx000839])
– “Habs (Taiyo)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Taiyo [KYWD:xx00083A])
– “Miscellaneous” (Category_ShipMod_Misc [KYWD:xx000840])
– “Reactors (Supp)” (Category_ShipMod_Reactor_Supp [KYWD:xx00080B])
– “Shield Boosters” (Category_ShipMod_Shields_Booster [KYWD:xx00080F])
– “Structural (Deimos)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Deimos [KYWD:xx00083B])
– “Structural (DerreTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_DerreTech [KYWD:xx00084D])
– “Structural (HopeTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_HopeTech [KYWD:xx00083C])
– “Structural (Nova)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Nova [KYWD:xx00083D])
– “Structural (Stroud-Eklund)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Stroud [KYWD:xx00083E])
– “Structural (Taiyo)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Taiyo [KYWD:xx00083F])
– “Thrusters” (Category_ShipMod_Thruster [KYWD:xx000817])
– “Utility” (Category_ShipMod_Utility [KYWD:xx000810])
– “Weapons (Ballistic)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Ballistic [KYWD:xx000813])
– “Weapons (EM)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_EM [KYWD:xx000815])
– “Weapons (Laser)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Laser [KYWD:xx000814])
– “Weapons (Missile)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Missile [KYWD:xx000812])
– “Weapons (Particle)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Particle [KYWD:xx000811])
– “Weapons (Turret)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Turret [KYWD:xx000858])
– “Weapons (Utility)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Utility [KYWD:xx000816])

Full List:
– “Bays” (Category_ShipMod_Bay [KYWD:0029C470])
– “BoostR” (Category_ShipMod_BoostR [KYWD:xx00085E])
– “Cargo” (Category_ShipMod_Cargo [KYWD:002C155D])
– “Decorative Cargo” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Cargo [KYWD:xx000800])
– “Cockpits” (Category_ShipMod_Cockpit [KYWD:0029C46E])
– “Cockpits (Supp)” (Category_ShipMod_Cockpit_Supp [KYWD:xx00080C])
– “DerreTech” (Category_ShipMod_DerreTech [KYWD:xx000831])
– “Dockers” (Category_ShipMod_Docker [KYWD:0029C472])
– “Engines” (Category_ShipMod_Engine [KYWD:0029C46D])
– “Engines (Economy)” (Category_ShipMod_Engine_Economy [KYWD:xx000854])
– “Engines (Overtuned)” (Category_ShipMod_Engine_Overtuned [KYWD:xx000855])
– “Decorative Engines” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Engine [KYWD:xx000801])
– “Equipment” (Category_ShipMod_Equipment [KYWD:0029C477])
– “Decorative Equipment” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Equipment [KYWD:xx000832])
– “Fuel Tanks” (Category_ShipMod_FuelTank [KYWD:0029C478])
– “Decorative Fuel Tanks” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_FuelTank [KYWD:xx000802])
– “Gear” (Category_ShipMod_Gear [KYWD:0029C46F])
– “Grav Drives” (Category_ShipMod_GravDrive [KYWD:0029C474])
– “Decorative Grav Drives” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_GravDrive [KYWD:xx000803])
– “Grav Boosters” (Category_ShipMod_GravDrive_Booster [KYWD:xx00080E])
– “Habs” (Category_ShipMod_Hab [KYWD:0029C471])
– “Habs (Deimos)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Deimos [KYWD:xx000836])
– “Habs (DerreTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_DerreTech [KYWD:xx00084C])
– “Habs (Habz)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Habz [KYWD:xx000851])
– “Habs (HopeTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_HopeTech [KYWD:xx000837])
– “Habs (Nova)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Nova [KYWD:xx000838])
– “Habs (Shells)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Shell [KYWD:xx00085C])
– “Habs (Stroud-Eklund)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Stroud [KYWD:xx000839])
– “Habs (Taiyo)” (Category_ShipMod_Hab_Taiyo [KYWD:xx00083A])
– “Habz” (Category_ShipMod_Habz [KYWD:xx000850])
– “Miscellaneous” (Category_ShipMod_Misc [KYWD:xx000840])
– “Reactors” (Category_ShipMod_Reactor [KYWD:0029C475])
– “Decorative Reactors” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Reactor [KYWD:xx000804])
– “Reactors (Supp)” (Category_ShipMod_Reactor_Supp [KYWD:xx00080B])
– “Shields” (Category_ShipMod_Shields [KYWD:0029C476])
– “Decorative Shields” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Shield [KYWD:xx000805])
– “Shield Boosters” (Category_ShipMod_Shields_Booster [KYWD:xx00080F])
– “Structural” (Category_ShipMod_Structure [KYWD:0029C473])
– “Structural (Deimos)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Deimos [KYWD:xx00083B])
– “Structural (DerreTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_DerreTech [KYWD:xx00084D])
– “Structural (HopeTech)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_HopeTech [KYWD:xx00083C])
– “Structural (Nova)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Nova [KYWD:xx00083D])
– “Structural (Stroud-Eklund)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Stroud [KYWD:xx00083E])
– “Structural (Taiyo)” (Category_ShipMod_Structure_Taiyo [KYWD:xx00083F])
– “Thrusters” (Category_ShipMod_Thruster [KYWD:xx000817])
– “Utility” (Category_ShipMod_Utility [KYWD:xx000810])
– “Weapons” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon [KYWD:002C155B])
– “Weapons (Ballistic)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Ballistic [KYWD:xx000813])
– “Decorative Weapons (Ballistic)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Ballistic [KYWD:xx00080A])
– “Weapons (EM)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_EM [KYWD:xx000815])
– “Decorative Weapons (EM)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_EM [KYWD:xx000806])
– “Weapons (Laser)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Laser [KYWD:xx000814])
– “Decorative Weapons (Laser)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Laser [KYWD:xx000807])
– “Weapons (Missile)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Missile [KYWD:xx000812])
– “Decorative Weapons (Missile)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Missile [KYWD:xx000808])
– “Weapons (Particle)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Particle [KYWD:xx000811])
– “Decorative Weapons (Particle)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Particle [KYWD:xx000809])
– “Weapons (Turret)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Turret [KYWD:xx000858])
– “Decorative Weapons (Turret)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Turret [KYWD:xx00085A])
– “Weapons (Utility)” (Category_ShipMod_Weapon_Utility [KYWD:xx000816])
– “Decorative Weapons (Utility)” (Category_ShipMod_Decorative_Weapon_Utility [KYWD:xx000830])
– “Not Player Facing Misc” (Category_ShipMod_NoPlayer [KYWD:001F6958])
– “Class M” (Category_ShipMod_ClassM [KYWD:xx00080D])
– “Non Modular Ships” (Category_ShipMod_NonModular [KYWD:00266EF6])
– “Station Docker” (Category_StnMod_Docker [KYWD:00209115])
– “Station Hab” (Category_StnMod_Hab [KYWD:0020911B])
– “Station Pipe” (Category_StnMod_Pipe [KYWD:0020911A])
– “Station Sign” (Category_StnMod_Sign [KYWD:00209119])
– “Station Struct” (Category_StnMod_Struct [KYWD:00209118])
– “Station Truss” (Category_StnMod_Truss [KYWD:00209117])
– “Station Wall” (Category_StnMod_Wall [KYWD:00209116])
– “Outpost Starstations” (Category_StnMod_Outpost [KYWD:0004B3C1])

Author: rux616
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