Colored HUD Bars
What this?
In essence colored HUD meters for Oxygen, Health and the Jet Booster. I basically just continue the work of SilverEzredes’s work on a colored HUD. Speaking of shared effort and so. So you want to direct all credits to this fine modder. I guess we both made sure to stay with the default game aesthetics in regard to colorization, since the used colors are identical with those of other UI elements.
How to install?
Currently there are two options: the Starfield “Steam/steamapps/common/Starfield/Data” folder, or the “Username/Documents/My Games/Starfield” folder. I prefer using the root folder in Steam since this is were SFSE team is putting their files, and I like to keep it in one place. Also, news on Discord has it someone figured how to make use of the Steam root for textures, so the “My Games” is likely not going to be consensus for future development on PC with Steam installs.
I do not really care about GamePass and other Windows stuff, so you will need to help yourself via Google or so. I will sticky valuable info in that regard. I’m not sure how textures are handled right now, but since I do not use any, this is none of my concern. So for users with texture mods you probably want to use the My Games variant. Whatever you decide, this is how to install:
1. unpack the .7z and move the “interface” folder into the “Data” folder of either Steam root, or the “My Games” folder.
2. if not already existing create the StarfieldCustom.ini inside the My Games folder, and add:
How did you do it?
You just add a color transform matrix to the sprite.svg’s inside the playerhudcomponents.gfx. Then you edit the colors on every 25%. Use Jpexs or any other flash editor, if you do not have access to source yet. You can also export the image files and edit with software like inkscape or plain Notepad++.
Does this disable achievements?
I want to report a bug?
Use the comment section and add your exact system info. If none of the criteria’s are met your comment will either be ignored or removed.
Will we see more UI mods?
I’m currently working on colored map markers. But I’m not sure if I want to continue work on it, since I really like the “low color” aesthetics of map markers. If at all, then there will be ice blueish HUD indicators for the map markers, since I would often fail to see them on a bright light day. Apart from that, I’m progressing through the game and wait for either ideas, or needs. Without CK the “needs” section can’t be handled decently right now cause I’m not a fan of .bat or .ini hacks.