SavrenX Cave

Starfield Mods |

SavrenX Cave

You need both or your cave will look strange because some stones are very crisp and other stones are soft because Vanilla mixed it.

This mod will make good pair, including the sand feeling rough and the small stones feeling like rocks. What I did here is exactly what I did in my rock mod so I don’t need to tell you twice. After all, you also need both.

WETNESS. My screenshots use this extra wetness. The level of wetness in this Starfield game is like wanting to be safe and not daring to be firm. Finally like a Doff wetness and because of Doff Wetness, the ice blocks look like blue blocks. Now you can see in my screenshots, the wetness is bolder and the ice blocks are wet.

With an increased wetness level, the Cave you explore provides more “Drama” and a more spooky Cave impression despite the rougher stones.

However, there is one thing that makes me separate this feature, namely Positive Shimmering.

In some very wet puddles, sometimes you can see thin twinkle little stars ( thin ). In 3D terms it is called Shimmering but PERSONALLY, I like it because the shimmering appears in the right location, namely puddles of water. In real life, I often see puddles of water that give a shimmering effect, especially when exposed to Road light or Car lights.

Just because maybe not everyone likes it, I separated the wetness.

You are free to choose to use wetness effect or just use Doff Wetness from Vanilla. But of course your Cave doesn’t provide extra drama like in my pictures even though your Cave still looks beautiful.

Author: SavrenX
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