Starfield Star Systems, Planets and Level Restrictions

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Starfield Star Systems, Planets and Level Restrictions

Over 100 Starfield star systems await your discovery and exploration. Significantly, they are organized by level, offering varying degrees of difficulty based on your chosen destination. This arrangement fosters a true ‘risk/reward’ atmosphere. To assist you in surviving, we’ve gathered all the available information on planets and what to anticipate in specific systems, enabling you to better strategize your spacefaring adventures.

With 100 star systems and approximately 1,000 planets within them, there is a wealth of potential discoveries. To simplify your journey, we’ve compiled everything we know about the Starfield star systems that have been revealed, mentioned, or hinted at so far.

How many star systems are there in Starfield?

In Starfield, over 100 star systems and more than 1,000 individual worlds await exploration, averaging around 10 planets per star system for players to visit.

Various Starfield factions, which players can encounter, ally with, or battle, will be dispersed throughout these systems, with many possessing designated territories – for instance, the Freestar Collective is located on the Frontier. Consequently, certain systems may be controlled by specific factions, while others remain unclaimed or contested. It’s essential to note that not all locations will be inhabited. After all, this is space, and players begin their journey as professional explorers for an organization called Constellation, implying the existence of undiscovered places to uncover.

All Starfield star systems so far

The following star systems have been unveiled in Starfield, with some providing additional details:

  • Sol – Our very own solar system, home to Earth. However, in the Starfield universe, Earth is no longer habitable, and players will uncover the reasons for its abandonment in favor of Mars.
  • Alpha Centauri – Located nearest to Sol, this system houses the central HQ of the United Colonies’ faction capital and one of Starfield’s major cities, New Atlantis. It comprises four planets and eight moons.
  • Narion – Featured in the official gameplay reveal, this system’s desolate world of Vectera showcases base building. It is in close proximity to both Sol and Alpha Centauri.
  • Volii – Situated near Alpha Centauri, this system appeared on a disclosed segment of the Galaxy Map. Many believe it to be the headquarters of the Ryujin Industries faction and their pleasure city, Neon, due to the presence of a “Volii Hotel” sign in Neon’s concept art.
  • Cheyenne – Another system neighboring Alpha Centauri, it was also displayed on a revealed portion of the Galaxy Map.
  • Jaffa – This system, situated close to Alpha Centauri, was unveiled on a disclosed segment of the Galaxy Map.
  • Porrima – A third system located near Alpha Centauri, it was showcased on a revealed section of the Galaxy Map.

Currently, only Sol, Alpha Centauri, Narion, and Volii possess concrete details, while Cheyenne, Jaffa, and Porrima have made brief on-screen appearances during presentations.

Given that there are 100 star systems in the game as opposed to the 100,000,000,000 stars in the actual Milky Way, players should anticipate exploring a limited section of the real galaxy or a scaled-down rendition. It is evident that Bethesda is exercising discretion in their portrayal of the galaxy – for instance, Alpha Centauri and Porrima are authentic star systems. On the other hand, Narion and Volii seem to be fictional or potentially existing systems with alternate names.

How to travel between star systems in Starfield

In Starfield, one of the ship customization statistics is “Jump Range (Light Years),” which presumably indicates the distance a ship can traverse through the galaxy. Consequently, to reach a desired system, your range must meet or surpass the distance to that system. If achieved, you can then ‘jump’ to the target system. While other means might exist, we are fairly confident in our interpretation of this particular statistic.

Star system levels in Starfield and how they work

Starfield’s star systems possess levels that function as a means to manage difficulty and gatekeeping throughout gameplay. The game organizes star systems by level, guiding players on where to venture. In a podcast interview with Lex Fridman, game director Todd Howard elaborated on the system as follows:

Howard: “It’ll be like when you look at a map on a game, it’ll be like ‘this is the area for low-level players, this is level one.’ So we do this on a star system basis.”

It remains unclear whether these will be strict gates – meaning players must attain a specific level to access them – or simply suggestions. Nonetheless, given Bethesda’s past design choices in open-world games, it is highly probable that it will be the latter, especially considering they don’t want players’ spaceships to deplete their fuel.

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