Starfield Script Sharpener – A Font Replacement
Replace the rounded default fonts with sharper, more intelligent fonts.
To prevent any risk of installing mods marking your save file as “modded” and preventing achievements, it’s critical to also install Achievement Enabler.
Starfield uses a great combination of fonts designed by the studio Neubau Berlin (NB Architekt and NB Grotesk R) for it’s menus and interface. However, these fonts are very rounded and draw a bit too much attention to themselves for my liking. So I searched and landed on replacement fonts that are sharper and more intelligent in appearance. These fonts are Sofia Sans designed by Lettersoup in Berlin, licensed under the Open Font License, and Exo designed by Natanael Gama and Robin Mientjes, also licensed under the Open Font License.
This mod is currently only for languages that use the English/Latin character set. It should work for most of these languages, but please let me know if you encounter errors.
Installation is simple with Vortex, or manually extracting and placing the mod’s data folder into your main Starfield directory.
This mod replaces the fonts_en.swf and fonts_en.gfx file, so if you are using any other mod that touches these files, it will not be compatible. If you are using a button prompt replacer that modifies those files, you can try my version that retains compatibility with this mod because it doesn’t affect those files.
In order for any mods to work, you must have the following lines added into your StarfieldCustom.ini config file:
If it’s your first time installing a mod, create StarfieldCustom.ini in Documents > My Games > Starfield and then paste the above code into the file.