Outpost anywhere

Starfield Mods |

Outpost anywhere

Use this at your own risk! The game is not normally allowing this for a reason and it can break a lot of things so use with caution and always have a separate save.

This will spawn in an outpost beacon where you are standing, that you can access like any other outpost you create.

A few reasons why I wanted this possibility:
– You can build outposts where there are structures, like abandoned outposts, labs, buildings etc. Make them a part of your outpost. However if it is placed in restricted areas, at this point you can’t build things through workshop.
– Be close to cities, shops and such. I would not recommend to do this in a town or city, but you’re the boss!
– Together with Customizable Ship Interiors mod and Advanced Map Editor and 100 New Spawnable Furniture and Objects mod you can create some amazing builds. If you create an outpost around a building you can enter, the inside can be decorated Customizable Ship Interiors like a player home while the outside is an outpost. The possibilities!
– If you find or figure out some of the ID’s for buildings you can spawn them in through console commands, even some vendors if you want to build shops. But Advanced Map Editor and 100 New Spawnable Furniture and Objects is definitely needed for that level of customizing since it help you select (see what is selected) and move everything around with hotkeys.

And if you don’t want to disable achievements you would need Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE) and remember Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)

How to use:
1. Unzipped file goes in game root directory (usually something like C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield)
2. Start the game and load in. Now I can’t stress this enough, before creating outpost this way, save and keep that save safe! Start saving on a new save after you mess with game functions!
3. Stand where you want to create the outpost and open console window (Usually the “@”, Grave ” ` ” Tilde “~” or “Ö”)
4. Type “bat customoutpost” and you should have a fully accessible outpost beacon when closing console window where you stand. Either press E on that or open up buildmode by pressing F and then R, same as always.

A few extras, to spawn in a few buildings, type this in console window:

For Akila SlumsBuilding05:player.placeatme 0029F598
For Akila SlumsBuilding04:player.placeatme 002A0244
For Akila SlumsBuilding03:player.placeatme 002A0247
For Akila SlumsBuilding02:player.placeatme 002A024B
For Akila SlumsBuilding01:player.placeatme 002A024E
For Akila walltower full:player.placeatme 0018465D

Aggies building_01:player.placeatme 0019F84A
Aggies foundation_01:player.placeatme 0019F84B

A trader:player.placeatme 001A2C9D

Head over to Advanced Map Editor and 100 New Spawnable Furniture and Objects for a well made google spreadsheet full of furniture and object ID’s! If requested, I might add more too.

Author: Orazia
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